Last night we started a new 8-week Master Gardeners class being offered at Little Big Horn College (the tribal college in Crow.) One of our student's mom runs the greenhouse at the College and partnered with Montana State University to bring the Master Gardener class here, so several teachers from Pretty Eagle joined with us.
I really hadn't stopped to think what it was going to be like- I mostly just heard "Gardening class? cool!" But now after the first class I am very excited about it... it's going to be REALLY neat.

Tiger lillies from our garden last summer
Master Gardener is nation wide program run through University extension offices that trains volunteers to educate and advise the public on gardening and horticulture. So we will learn all the basics of gardening and then complete community service hours of helping individuals, children, or communities with their gardens (whether hands-on or through education/advising). Such a cool idea.
I just wanted to take it so I could understand all the facets of gardening better, and also because we had been hoping to start a garden at school... so... it's the perfect combination!
For the first class we dug right in and learned about soil, essential nutrients, and fertility. They went right into all the science about it, too. Remembered some of it from my Environmental Science days... anyways, I appreciate the thorough understanding we are getting about all of the science within plant growth.

It's just such a cool opportunity to happen upon this year as a JV. With social and eco-justice, stewardship, sustainability, and simplicity being cornerstones of JVC Northwest, I expected and was excited about gardening being a part of this year. But being on the reservation where fresh produce is not a frequent guest at dinner tables and no one really knew what compost was 'til we explained why we wanted everyones banana peels and apple cores... well, we haven't yet had much chance to dig into the world of horticulture. But now, here's the perfect opportunity!
Peace, love, & leafy greens,
Janine, F.M.G. (Future Master Gardener)